Saturday, December 5, 2015

When your allergic to as much as I am.

So I have been feeling yucky for almost 2yrs, tummy troubles, bad migraines, loosing more hair then normal and no doctor could find what's wrong. Also my nose is always stuffy. Until I finally got a new doc who re-tested all my allergies, the skin test and a blood test. Turns out I'm allergic to alot of my favorite foods. Like who would have thought wheat and gluten was an actual allergy and not some craze fad huh? So now going on day 3 of not having anything on the no no long list of allergies I'm finally starting to feel better.( also loosing weight more easily which is a plus!) My hair isn't falling out in clumps anymore(yay!!), and I have been headache free for 2days!
      I know 2 days with out a headache or migraine might seem normal to you but for me it was a daily occurrence, even special medicine for said migraines didn't help. So I'm super excited 😄😄.
I will admit. Due to the fact that my allergies are many it makes it harder to eat out ( always feel bad about making chefs go out of there way to make me a special meal when I know there busy).
     Adjusting to the new lifestyle will be a challenge. I mean, I can't have dairy, soy or almond milk lol so my choices for calcium are limited. My trip to the grocery store takes longer because I have to read labels to make sure I don't get anything that has an ingredient that I'm allergic to.
Do you know how much it sucks to be allergic to as much stuff as me? My husband calls me his little bubble wife because I'm allergic to nature lol. Grass forget about it, I swell up like a balloon. A real christmas tree for the holidays, ha nope it will kill me. Some things are easier to avoid then others. Like food. Yes I can stay away from food I can have,But grass that crap is everywhere, as are some of the plants and trees I'm allergic to. So what do I do? Try and cover myself up as much as I can to avoid things touching my skin. ( especially when everyone mowes there lawn like really people were in a drought how much grass do you have?!)
     I will still be putting up recipies (no I do not have a laptop yet sorry I am a mom and something more important came up) but my recipies will be more geared around my new diet. Why?  Because I know there are people who have cealic  and also as many if now more allergies then I and I want to help them find delicious meals they can enjoy with out feeling like there eating turtle food. Don't fret healthy people with no allergies I will be putting up recipies for you as well.
If I can help one person. Jus one who is also like me , who has no idea what the heck there suppose to eat ( beside some fruit and veggies). Then I will feel like I have accomplished what I am now set out to do. You are not alone. I know it sucks. We can do this!

*quick side story. Husbands job christmas party was last night and I couldn't eat anything they served at the buffet. I almost cried because I was hungry and everyone was eating but me. I asked for a salad with no dairy, soy or gluten( pretty much lettuce and tomatoes) and the manager brought it out to me and said I hope you enjoy the buffet. I said "I can't I'm allergic to what your serving" so he asked me what I could have and brought me my own special meal. He was awesome. Thanks manager guy at the hilton in San Diego! He was completely understanding as his wife has cealic and can't eat alot of things as well. It made me feel nice that I didn't inconvenience them as much as I thought I would have.

Have a great night everyone continue being awesome!