Monday, December 18, 2017

Chocolate peppermint bark cookies!

Today's first recipe will  be for the sweet tooth. This is my all time favorite  recipe for chocolate  chip or chocolate  chunk cookies.  
For 1 dz* cookies here is what you'll  need:

1cp of apf

1/2 ts of baking soda

a pinch of salt.(seriously just a pinch)

1/2 cup of golden brown cane sugar(or brown sugar just make sure it is light brown sugar)

1/4 cup of white cane sugar or just plain white sugar works as well

5 tbs (or about half of a stick depends what brand you buy)  unsalted butter. make sure its unsalted or you will have salty cookies. yuck!

1 large egg 
  2tbs of dark chocolate powder
1 cup (or more) Ghirardelli peppermint chunks.
your favorite dark chocolate bar or chocolate chips. ( if using a bar cut into small chunks or have the kids go crazy breaking them into small pieces :-))

i kinda eye ball the vanilla extract so i will say a splash or about 1/4 -1/2 ts depending on your prefrence. it will only change the flavor ever so slightly =-)

now in A mixing bowl add your sugars, egg and butter and vanilla. then in a seperate bowl add the salt and baking soda to the flour then combine. now for the chip part or as i like them chunks. i don't measure out my chocolate chunks or chips i eye ball because i like a little more chocolate in mine. lol so how ever much you want or the kiddos want. 
At this time your going to add the coco powder and the peppermint chunks to. Get ready to smell chocolate minty goodness.

bake at 350 degrees until lightly brown and you should have beautiful soft cookies. it should only take about 7mins but it all depends on your oven and type of oven you have. hope you and your family enjoy this recipe please feel free to share photos of you and your family making chocolate peppermint bark cookies with me :-)