Friday, January 26, 2018

Pan seared Scallops served with a Rustic Sun-dried tomato and scotch sauce.

Here is what you will need. (makes one serving)

3TBS of the juice from crushed tomatoes(can)

1/2 shot glass of your favorite scotch or scotch whisky mix

2TBS of chopped onion

3-4 chopped sun-dried tomatoes

1TBS of water to loosen the sauce

6 nice sized scallops

2TBS of EVOO or any oil you have on hand and a small amount of butter like a teaspoon

Salt and pepper to taste

Season you scallops with salt and pepper on both sides.
 Place a cast iron skillet on the stove on Medium high heat, once hot turn down to medium to make the sauce.
once hot place all 6 scallops in the hot pan for about 3mins on each side depending on size. these things do not take long to cook so ensure this is the last item you make.

once scallops are done place them on a plate to rest and toss in your chopped onion. don't forget to turn down the heat!
once your onions are translucent add your sun-dried tomatoes stir for 30 seconds then add your scotch. once the pan has been de-glazed you can add the juice from the crush tomatoes and if it becomes thick then go ahead and add the water. serve on top of your scallops and enjoy. this is a beautiful rustic flavor and would pair with a variety of starches.  Enjoy!