Wednesday, March 11, 2015

crepes for that special someone or for family and friends!

if you want to create a sweet romantic breakfast or just want to treat your family or friends. here isan awesome recipe your going to either love or hate making.  why because crepes are hard at first to master because the pan has to heated just right and you have to coat the pan with the batter and it should be a little translucent. but if you really really cant make them you can alway go buy them im told. and create the filling your self as well as the toppings.

lets gets started.

what you will need: Crepes
1/2 ts of clarified butter or veggie oil
1/2cp of apf
pinch of salt
1cp of millk
1 large egg
1tbs of melted unsalted butter
1/4 ts of vanilla

you can pretty much throw everything into the bowl and whisk it. but since we dont want hump de lumps start off with the egg and sugar, then add the butter, salt  and vanilla then add flour last
now that remaining oil/butter you seen on top of the list it to coast your non stick pan. your gonna want to let your batter rest for about 30mins. so feel free to prep the night before.

filling what you will need.
1 block philadelphia cream cheese(plain)
your choice of fruit. mine will be banana.
so with 1 banana slice it and throw it in a seperate sauce pan and add about 2tbs of brown sugar and then add about 1ts of butter let cook until warm and gooey and set aside.

now time to make the crepes. are you ready??
take the batter that has been resting with care and stir it. make sure it hasnt gotten pancake batter thick lol if you can still pour it ever so easily off a spoon your good, no in your crepe pan. or a large no stick pan turn on high and coat with your choice of veggie oil clarified butter. your coasting the pan. not drenching it. next grab a measuring cup of your choice i just like to pour the batter in a big liquid measure cup and slowly pour  in the center of pan. now with your free hand grab the pan handle and quick try and move the batter around evenly to coat the pan. set back on the heat and wait until you see the edges start to brown, once you see that  glad your spat.(i use my hands because i cant really feel heat) and flip that bad boy over. leave for like 5 secs and take it off the heat on onto a plate and repeat.

once your crepes are done, grab your filling and place it just slightly below the center of the crepe. then fold in half then into a neat triangle.

*** optional
melt a half of a bar of dark chocolate with about a ts of butter whisk untill smooth then quickly spoon over top your crepes and serve !

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