Friday, March 27, 2015

Dark chocolate with peanut butter icecream!

Hello little  chefs this is what you will need
2 cups of heavy cream
2 cups whole milk
3 tps chocolate powder ( you you don't have any feel free to use dark chocolate  milk powder mix)
Dark chocolate chips
1/4 cup of sugar.

***Since I used sweet coco mix is why there is little sugar**

So you can literally put everything  into a pot and warm up. Do not let it come to a boil so pay attention.  You only  want it hot enough to melt the chocolate. After its all melted and yummy throw into a blender to made sure it's all incorporated well and no chocolate lumps.
Now let this completely  cool  which takes anywhere to 30mins to an hr depending what your cooling it in. You never want to pour hot or warm liquid into your icecream maker.
Now once it's all cool pour your icecream  into the maker for about 15mins or until soft serve consistency.  Then you can add spoons of peanut butter as it churns. I waited a little longer so I have like peanut butter chunks
After your icecream  has completely  churned to the guide line for your maker put into and air tight container and freeze. Wala  you just made icecream little chef. It's a nice fun treat to make with the kids  I hope you enjoyed :-)

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