Friday, February 2, 2018

Parmesan  crusted Chicken breast
Serves 2-4 people

This one is so easy your going to be saying why did i not think of this sooner!

1 1/2cup of Parmesan grated cheese (not the powder stuff it wont work as well)
2 tbs grated black pepper
 2 tbs of finely chopped parsley
2 sticks of soft butter.

so this is a process. i promise it will be so yummy and worth it and its something you can do a day or 2 ahead of time.

this is for 4 small sized chicken breast or 2 big old breast.

your going to want to take your fresh chicken breast and make sure its rinsed and dried off with paper towels. it becomes difficult trying to put this on with bloody chicken juices every where.

gather all your ingredients and mix them thoroughly in a bowl.
 next your going to spread it onto your chicken-breast you dried with a paper towel when one side is down put in fridge for about 30-45mins then do the other side. make sure to lay them on parchment or wax paper so the butter doesn't come off of them. when ready bake for about 30-45mins depending on the size of your breast and you will have a delicious protein

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