Friday, February 2, 2018

Parmesan  crusted Chicken breast
Serves 2-4 people

This one is so easy your going to be saying why did i not think of this sooner!

1 1/2cup of Parmesan grated cheese (not the powder stuff it wont work as well)
2 tbs grated black pepper
 2 tbs of finely chopped parsley
2 sticks of soft butter.

so this is a process. i promise it will be so yummy and worth it and its something you can do a day or 2 ahead of time.

this is for 4 small sized chicken breast or 2 big old breast.

your going to want to take your fresh chicken breast and make sure its rinsed and dried off with paper towels. it becomes difficult trying to put this on with bloody chicken juices every where.

gather all your ingredients and mix them thoroughly in a bowl.
 next your going to spread it onto your chicken-breast you dried with a paper towel when one side is down put in fridge for about 30-45mins then do the other side. make sure to lay them on parchment or wax paper so the butter doesn't come off of them. when ready bake for about 30-45mins depending on the size of your breast and you will have a delicious protein

Friday, January 26, 2018

Pan seared Scallops served with a Rustic Sun-dried tomato and scotch sauce.

Here is what you will need. (makes one serving)

3TBS of the juice from crushed tomatoes(can)

1/2 shot glass of your favorite scotch or scotch whisky mix

2TBS of chopped onion

3-4 chopped sun-dried tomatoes

1TBS of water to loosen the sauce

6 nice sized scallops

2TBS of EVOO or any oil you have on hand and a small amount of butter like a teaspoon

Salt and pepper to taste

Season you scallops with salt and pepper on both sides.
 Place a cast iron skillet on the stove on Medium high heat, once hot turn down to medium to make the sauce.
once hot place all 6 scallops in the hot pan for about 3mins on each side depending on size. these things do not take long to cook so ensure this is the last item you make.

once scallops are done place them on a plate to rest and toss in your chopped onion. don't forget to turn down the heat!
once your onions are translucent add your sun-dried tomatoes stir for 30 seconds then add your scotch. once the pan has been de-glazed you can add the juice from the crush tomatoes and if it becomes thick then go ahead and add the water. serve on top of your scallops and enjoy. this is a beautiful rustic flavor and would pair with a variety of starches.  Enjoy!

Monday, December 18, 2017

Chocolate peppermint bark cookies!

Today's first recipe will  be for the sweet tooth. This is my all time favorite  recipe for chocolate  chip or chocolate  chunk cookies.  
For 1 dz* cookies here is what you'll  need:

1cp of apf

1/2 ts of baking soda

a pinch of salt.(seriously just a pinch)

1/2 cup of golden brown cane sugar(or brown sugar just make sure it is light brown sugar)

1/4 cup of white cane sugar or just plain white sugar works as well

5 tbs (or about half of a stick depends what brand you buy)  unsalted butter. make sure its unsalted or you will have salty cookies. yuck!

1 large egg 
  2tbs of dark chocolate powder
1 cup (or more) Ghirardelli peppermint chunks.
your favorite dark chocolate bar or chocolate chips. ( if using a bar cut into small chunks or have the kids go crazy breaking them into small pieces :-))

i kinda eye ball the vanilla extract so i will say a splash or about 1/4 -1/2 ts depending on your prefrence. it will only change the flavor ever so slightly =-)

now in A mixing bowl add your sugars, egg and butter and vanilla. then in a seperate bowl add the salt and baking soda to the flour then combine. now for the chip part or as i like them chunks. i don't measure out my chocolate chunks or chips i eye ball because i like a little more chocolate in mine. lol so how ever much you want or the kiddos want. 
At this time your going to add the coco powder and the peppermint chunks to. Get ready to smell chocolate minty goodness.

bake at 350 degrees until lightly brown and you should have beautiful soft cookies. it should only take about 7mins but it all depends on your oven and type of oven you have. hope you and your family enjoy this recipe please feel free to share photos of you and your family making chocolate peppermint bark cookies with me :-)

Saturday, May 20, 2017

Simple Cornish game hen using compound butter

What you will need:

4tbs of butter( salted)
2tbs of rosemary & thyme
1ts of parsley
S&P to taste

After mixing all above ingredients spread evenly on your Cornish game hen. * of not spreading and just falling out pat the hen dry with a paper towl*

All you have to do next is cut up some small golden potatoes place them around the side and add some thyme sprigs on top and let cook for about 1hr or until done depending on your oven and how small your hen is. Once done is should look like the photo and feel free to serve with corn on the cob, steamed green beans etc.
I hope your enjoying these simple recipes if you will like more feel free to email me @
Thank you so much and enjoy your day!

Basil pesto salmon

What you will need

1 stick of butter (room temperature)
2tbs of parsley
2 tbs of finely minced basil
3 cloves of garlic
Salt and pepper (1/4 of a teaspoon)

This is a super simple recipe. All you do is combine all the above listed ingredients. Let sit for about 1hr and then refrigerate until your ready to use. You can put it into clear wrap and roll it up in any shape you wish and add it to your fish.
I don't season my fish when I add this butter to it because I prefer using a salted butter. I normally serve my fish with steamed jasmine rice and grilled asparagus. Feel free to play with sides :-). This pesto butter is also great on chicken and grilled shrimp. I hope you enjoy. Next recipe coming very soon!

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Today's recipie of the day east pot roast!!!

To prep what I did was roasted garlic in some foil the night before for 30min om 325. This may vary depending on your oven.

Ok to start.
I cut up my pot roast but feel free to leave whole I just find its easier to sear, when cut in to large chunks as seen in the photo below.

Take your pot roast season with salt and better all over and get a pan nice and hot with a little bit of veggie oil or coconut oil. I can't use evoo due to an allergy but you can use that as well.
   Once your pan is nice and hot place your pot roast inside and let brown. You want to make sure to brown on all sides so that way your sealing in the juices and flavor.
In your slow cooker add about half a box of beef stock, 2 rosemary sprigs and about 3 cloves of roasted garlic. Turn on low.
Once your meat is all nice and brown place in your slow cooker and let the magic begin. About an hour before it's done I recommend throwing in some carrots and some baby bliss potatoes and you have your self a full meal ready to go that your family will enjoy.

I know this wasn't a recipie per say as it was a step by step but I will get back to writing proper recipies soon promise. Still getting a feel for the new tech aka laptop. I hope you enjoy this and if you decided to recreate please tag me in it on IG mari110107
Twitter @ mama_marrukka
Take care guys have a great weekend.

Final photo is adjusting seasoning and the potatoes and carrots I added 

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Finally at long last!!!

Tommrow I will be restarting my recipies as my laptop comes in tommrow and will be posting more food videos as well on my youtube channel I'm super excited and can not wait to be able to do this. Since I'm confined to my home due to terrible allergies I should have enough time to be able to put up at least 2 recipies a day :-)