Tuesday, March 10, 2015

A delicious after school snack.

Some times after school  you want more then an apple or  orange. So what better way to curve your craving then with my little adult remake of the classic grilled cheese.

What you will need.

2 slices of Swiss cheese
1/2 avacado  sliced
2 thin slices of tomatoes
2 slices of sourdough bread
Olive oil or butter which ever you prefer.

What you want to do is either lightly coat the pan in evoo or spread butter on the back of both slices of bread. Now that's out of the way start layering. Take your cheese it will hold everything together. And lay it on the bread ( butter side should be pan side down). Do this for both slices then on one slice of bread add the avacado  on top of the cheese and on the other side add the thinly sliced tomatoes. Now you have a choice to spice it up  a little if you want. You can sprinkle some s&p and if your bold  a bit of garlic powder.  Wait until both slices have crisped on the bottom with a beautiful  brown color and put both together  slice  in half then serve :-) hope you enjoy

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