Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Yikes Did you forget to take out a protien for dinner? no problem heres a quick fix!

If  your a mom then you know there are some days you just plain forget to take something out for dinner. well dont worry here is a quick fix, or if you had a meat overload like me and want something a little bit lighter and healther for dinner then you have come to the right place.
here is what you will need.
veggies. honestly any will work but i will share what i used for me and my daughter for tonights dinner.

1 squash (cubed)
1 half of a red pepper (cubed)
1 cup of brocoli (chopped)
3 cloves of garlic(minced)
salt and pepper to taste
(optional- 1 tbs cilantro which i used but its only optional)
1tbs of evoo or butter its really your choice i used butter lol

 in a frying pan add you butter or evoo and galic.( med heat)
leaving the flame on med. add in your veggies.i know this might sound crazy but thats all there is to it. cover with a lid and stir occasionally.  remember to add salt and pepper to taste. i like my veggies to have a little bit of a bite to them so it took me about 5-7mins to cook. not long at all.
i served my little veggie stir fry on top of steamed white rice
if you have a rice cooker then cook the amount needed for 2 people. normally a cup is good. but you can always have more
if you dont have a rice cooker your going to need oil( any kind)
a pot with lid.
2 cups of rice
in a non stick pot add enough oil of your choice to coat the bottom of the pan then Add the salt. ( the flame should be high, in the mean time rinse your rice once or twice should be good.
then add to the pot. your then going to add water. the water should come up about a half inch above the rice. let the water boil out then reduce to about a med-low. and let your rice cook until done with lid on top for the final part of the cooking process. after about 20mins it should be ready.
serve with the veggie stir fry and enjoy =-)

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