Friday, March 13, 2015

recipe of the day =-)

hello little chefs (ratatouille reference)
I'm going to try and do a recipe for the day every Friday i hope you will enjoy.

today's recipe of the day is fillet minon  with parm crusted asparagus and garlic and herb infused mash.

lets get started.
this meal serves 3 people

start by picking 3 good fillets( preferably not the tail ends)
season with salt and pepper and set aside.

gather your asparagus and place them on a baking sheet and drizzle with olive oil salt and pepper. you can also top with your preference of parm cheese. set aside this will only take about 5-7 Min's in the oven set on 375.  so you can wait until you start you fillets to throw them in.

now for the mash. peel and cut 3 decent sized potatoes. i used Idaho potatoes.(don't forget to salt the water)
after the potatoes are fork tender take a whisk or hand mixer and add cream butter and fresh garlic. the amount of cream or milk you add will depend on how thick you want your mash. you can also throw in the herb of your choice i used dried parsley but chives is a great sub as well. remember to taste and adjust your season.
* with salt or any strong seasoning such as garlic remember less is more. because you can always add but after you add it you cant take it away. so slowly build up until you have a taste you are happy with**

now for the fillets.
get a nice non stick skillet or cast iron and wait until its hot. you can test it with flicking some water. you want it hot so you can caramelize the outside which gives the steak and even better flavor.
once your pan is hot(not smoking) place your fillets int the pan. nicest parts always go down first because you will get the best color. now the hard part. DON'T TOUCH THE MEAT. the more you fidget with the meat and check to see if it has browned the longer it will take and the more uneven the carmalazation will be. so please if your pan is on a med high setting you should be able to let it stay on one side for about 6mins until you form the perfect crust. then flip it over and do the same. you should get about med rare steaks. if you want them a little more done then turn you flame down a bit and cook them for another 2-3 Min's on both sides. or just invest in a meat thermometer and you can test the degree of doneness
remember while cooking steaks to get your asparagus in the oven.
i hope this was informative. i promise my recipes will only get better. hope everyone has a beautiful and safe weekend.

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