Tuesday, April 21, 2015

A awesome idea that works both on a grill or a cast iron grill pan

Rolled flank steak stuffed with blue cheese or feta and peppers and onions.
Here is what you will need
Flank steak. A good size. I can't recall how much I got but I got thicker piece I sliced in half and pounder thin.
Apple wood seasoning (i will post a photo)
Salt & pepper
Blue cheese
Feta (if you prefer)
1/4 cp of vinegar
Green and yellow peppers 1 each
I yellow onion
Your going to marinate the flank in vinegar water and the seasoning overnight to make them tender. Next day your going take out and pound as flat as you can if you have not already. Cut 3 inch by 5 inch pieces. That way you can roll them up. Doesn't have to be exact I'm giving rough estiments .

so after the meat is ready set it aside.
now take out all your peppers and cut them into matchsticks. same with onion.
now time to put together. 

oops almost forgot. grab toothpicks.

take one piece of your precut steak and put peppers and onions on one end. add the cheese of your choice. i did both blue and feta.roll up then make sure it stays put with the toothpick.
then you can grill them or grill them on a cast iron grill pan., i use a thermometer and wait until the meat is 155. then you can serve with mash or roasted poatoes. or what ever side you wish, i hope you guys enjoyed this recipe. please share it with your friends or share your recreation on instagram with the #chefmarrukka 

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