Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Horse radish crusted standing rib roast

This is easy peasy. What you will need is a 5lb standing rib roast.
A small bags of baby carrots
2 onions
Horse radish crem sauce
Salt and pepper
Panko bread crumbs

This is a great thing to make a all in one pot meal !
So what I did was season the meat all over with S&p. After that you want to generously put the horseradish cream sauce on the top. (You can also put all over) after that top with the bread crumbs don't worry with the horseradish the crumbs will stick
Them you want to cut up you potatoes and onions about one inch by one inch should work doesn't need to be perfect.
Throw in pan with your roast add carrots and enough water to coat the bottom.
Cook for 4 hrs on 325 and you will have a very tender(cut with a fork a
Tender ) roast.
Hope you enjoy :-)

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