Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Want healthy recipes let me know

This is a grilled steak with steamed broccoli and brown rice. Very easy healthy and deliciou!!!!

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Smoked Cornish game hen with a carrot puree and a cauliflower puree over mashed potatoes.

You want to get your grill all set first and formost. Make sure there isn't to much flamage going on. I like when the coals are nice and red.
Or..you can use propane..

Any who you want to season your hens with some S&p and a little sage thyme and rosemary. If you are making 2 little hens a tbs of each ingredient should work nicely. I cut my hens in half for faster cooking. When you place them on the grill do skin side down and don't touch for about 15mins. (Depending on flame) you can check if the hens come off the grill easily and have formed a nice crispy layer with out being burned....burned is just not cool.

Now while that's cooking (it took an hr to be fully cooked ) I smoked my cauliflower  and carrots along side and placed my poatotes on to boil. I gave you the recipe for the smoked carrots in a previous recipie. And I think for mash as well so we will move on the the cauliflower puree.
Once it's all smoked and tender place hot in a blender with about a tbs of unsalted butter and a little of cream and salt and pepper you want this to be a little more mild compared to the carrot puree. So less is more. Once you tasted and are satisfied with results. You can finish off your mash. And check to see if your hens have reached an appropriate temp of 165. If so your ready to serve. I hope you enjoy this way to spice up a simple meal :-)

Monday, June 15, 2015

Grilled lamb chops with smoked carrot puree and roasted potatoes

So the lamb chops I got were really cheap. I didn't buy a whole rack. I got the end pieces of the rack that were left over after the butcher made a whole rack. Which tends to be 2 lambs on the bone like the rack...make sence?

Ok so the lambs were just seasoned with salt and pepper and some olive oil. Then grilled until about medium. ( I did this last)

Now here is why I did the lamb last. I thought man how cool would it be to cook the entire meal on the grill?? Not fun lol anyways I seasoned my potatoes with some oil, salt, pepper, and fresh garlic and placed them inside my awesome cast iron grill pan and let it cook for an hr... wasn't done.... almost 2 hrs later they were done if you don't want to go this route your more then welcome to cook them in the oven.

Now the carrots. I took a small bag of fresh carrots and placed them in a aluminum foil like bowl. I let them cook for an hour until they were almost done ( I really hate mushy veggies) also... almost forgot. I took a small cluster of garlic. Took there pesky shell's off and roasted them on the grill for about 30mins or until tender. No season.
Ok now for the finish part. While it's still hot take the carrots and place in blender. Add a little bit of milk until you get roughly smooth consistency.  If still chunky.. add to a small sauce pan until it boils before placing back in blender. Now your going to taste it and think this taste awful right? Add about a tbl of honey and a teaspoon of sugar and salt and pepper to taste and it should taste amazeballs.
You can always add more honey to balance out the bitter flavor from the smoked carrots I would not add more sugar. After everything is all done. You can plate up photo below for refrence. I hope you enjoyed this walk though? It was hard for me to keep track sorry but if you have questions feel free to leave them in the comment section bellow and I will help you out.

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Marrukkas Kitchen Corner.: Burgers just in time for FUN IN THE SUN!!

Marrukkas Kitchen Corner.: Burgers just in time for FUN IN THE SUN!!: are you tired of making the same old burgers on the grill? you know the ones... pre-frozen patties that you put Kraft singles on? well if...

Burgers just in time for FUN IN THE SUN!!

are you tired of making the same old burgers on the grill?
you know the ones... pre-frozen patties that you put Kraft singles on?

well if you are having an upcoming BBQ and you want to spice it up here is 4 ways you can do just that!!

first i want you to know that i started with about 6lbs of ground beef. (i made mini burgers 4 ways but I'm going to break them down so you can make the burger of your choice) I seasoned all the ground beef the same. I used salt, Pepper, Garlic and some McCormick Mesquite seasoning. I took about a tsp of the meat pan fried it to make sure it was was good to go adjusted my seasoning and was good to go.i also pre-shaped all my burgers using a ramekin so all i had to do was throw them on the grill.

phew. now that, that is out of the way comes how to dress your burgers or stuff them...

first burger!! THE GREEK BURGER!!

to make it a Greek burger i took 7 patties(i had 7 guests over) and stuffed them with feta cheese. put them back in the fridge and went to prep what i was going to top it off with,

so i made fresh Tzatziki sauce to top all the burgers with.


Greek yogurt plain.17oz (also makes a good veggie dip)
1 cucumber small diced
2 good sized cloves of garlic (minced or put though garlic press)
salt and pepper to taste
1-2 lemons depending on size.
2tbs of chopped dill

 you can either make this in the container like i did or in a separate bowl
 you going to add everything in mix and let sit over night. i don't think it taste as good unless it sits. or just make it first thing in the morning.

when i assembled this burger stuffed with feta i added thin slices of avocado on top as well as this yummy yogurt sauce. it was a big hit!!. i hope i explained this well.



once again i took 7 mini patties stuffed them with blue cheese and set them aside until i was ready to cook.


i topped this blue burger off with sauteed mushrooms and onions.also lettuce and tomato. simple enough right?



i did nothing special to the patties but topped them with some pepper jack cheese

i made homemade onion rings and a semi homemade jalapeno aoli
since this is a long post already i wont go into detail on how to make the onion rings but i will tell you how to make the awesome aoli!

Jalapeno aoli

1/2 cup of Hellman's mayo with olive oil
3 jalapenos
2 cloves garlic
s&p to taste

 so 2 of those jalapenos your going to smoke. while the other one you just use half of. be warned this will be a spicy spicy mayo.
after your done smoking the jalapenos, you going to add them and everything else to a robo coupe or blender and blend until smooth. you can taste but remember spicy spicy spicy!!
when i assembled the burgers i topped with 2 onion rings and the spicy mayo and served. my friends who loves spicy food added alot of this to there burgers lol.


now this is a take on a classic burger

I'm just going to give you some ideas for this one.
or rather what i did
i topped these burgers with a smoked cheddar, bacon, & fried onions.they also had the option of lettuce and tomato.

i hope you guys enjoyed if you try one of these burgers please please use the #marrukkaskitchen on IG or Twitter so i can see your recreation!!!!