Thursday, June 18, 2015

Smoked Cornish game hen with a carrot puree and a cauliflower puree over mashed potatoes.

You want to get your grill all set first and formost. Make sure there isn't to much flamage going on. I like when the coals are nice and red. can use propane..

Any who you want to season your hens with some S&p and a little sage thyme and rosemary. If you are making 2 little hens a tbs of each ingredient should work nicely. I cut my hens in half for faster cooking. When you place them on the grill do skin side down and don't touch for about 15mins. (Depending on flame) you can check if the hens come off the grill easily and have formed a nice crispy layer with out being burned....burned is just not cool.

Now while that's cooking (it took an hr to be fully cooked ) I smoked my cauliflower  and carrots along side and placed my poatotes on to boil. I gave you the recipe for the smoked carrots in a previous recipie. And I think for mash as well so we will move on the the cauliflower puree.
Once it's all smoked and tender place hot in a blender with about a tbs of unsalted butter and a little of cream and salt and pepper you want this to be a little more mild compared to the carrot puree. So less is more. Once you tasted and are satisfied with results. You can finish off your mash. And check to see if your hens have reached an appropriate temp of 165. If so your ready to serve. I hope you enjoy this way to spice up a simple meal :-)

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