Monday, June 15, 2015

Grilled lamb chops with smoked carrot puree and roasted potatoes

So the lamb chops I got were really cheap. I didn't buy a whole rack. I got the end pieces of the rack that were left over after the butcher made a whole rack. Which tends to be 2 lambs on the bone like the rack...make sence?

Ok so the lambs were just seasoned with salt and pepper and some olive oil. Then grilled until about medium. ( I did this last)

Now here is why I did the lamb last. I thought man how cool would it be to cook the entire meal on the grill?? Not fun lol anyways I seasoned my potatoes with some oil, salt, pepper, and fresh garlic and placed them inside my awesome cast iron grill pan and let it cook for an hr... wasn't done.... almost 2 hrs later they were done if you don't want to go this route your more then welcome to cook them in the oven.

Now the carrots. I took a small bag of fresh carrots and placed them in a aluminum foil like bowl. I let them cook for an hour until they were almost done ( I really hate mushy veggies) also... almost forgot. I took a small cluster of garlic. Took there pesky shell's off and roasted them on the grill for about 30mins or until tender. No season.
Ok now for the finish part. While it's still hot take the carrots and place in blender. Add a little bit of milk until you get roughly smooth consistency.  If still chunky.. add to a small sauce pan until it boils before placing back in blender. Now your going to taste it and think this taste awful right? Add about a tbl of honey and a teaspoon of sugar and salt and pepper to taste and it should taste amazeballs.
You can always add more honey to balance out the bitter flavor from the smoked carrots I would not add more sugar. After everything is all done. You can plate up photo below for refrence. I hope you enjoyed this walk though? It was hard for me to keep track sorry but if you have questions feel free to leave them in the comment section bellow and I will help you out.

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